Ingredienser: Kolsyrat vatten, glukos, fruktossirap, syra (E330), färgämne (E163), smakämnen, syra (E331).
Näringsvärde per 100ml
Energi 47kcal/199kj
Fett 0.5g
varav mättat fett 0.5g
Kolhydrater 11g
varav sockerarter 10g
Protein <0.5g
Salt 0,02g
Step 1: Remove outer wrapper from the top of the bottle.
Step 2: You will see a plunger topper and a plastic ring sitting loosely on the top of the bottle. Remove these, take off the plastic ring and set aside.
Step 3: You will see the top of the ramune soda marble sitting just inside the bottle. Place the plunger topper on top of the marble and push down until the marble falls into the marble chamber (the wider part of the neck of the bottle).
Step 4: Some bottles will have two little grooves on one side of the marble chamber. When drinking from the bottle, allow the marble to roll towards these grooves. They will stop the marble from rolling further and blocking the flow of the liquid.
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